About AccuStar
AccuStar Labs has been a pioneer in the radon industry for over 30 years.
AccuStar provides accurate, easy to use radon testing products. Our products and laboratories are Canadian National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP) and National Radon Safety Board (NRSB) certified.
Health Canada recognizes the certification programs offered by the National Environmental Health Association’s National Radon Proficiency Program and the National Radon Safety Board.
The AccuStar Canada distribution center offers all Canadians the expertise of AccuStar Labs. The Canadian version of the AccuStar radon tests indisputably provides the best quality/price value on the market, and its distribution is handled by Rn222 inc, a Canadian company so as to facilitate the logistics required for this type of test.

With AccuStar, you can be sure you’ll get a trustworthy and fast radon level reading wherever you need a test conducted.